Guild Member Library
OKC Metro Contractors Guild members have books and articles they recommend for business and personal growth.
OKC Contractor Guild Recommendations
Guild members share books they find helpful to grow their business and improve personal life.

Profit First
By Mike Michalowicz
Recommended By Will Blake
Vesta Foundations Guild member
With the Profit First approach, income is purposefully distributed among several bank accounts, including a profit account. By following this procedure, entrepreneurs can start making their own profit margin right away rather than letting their costs outpace their growth. Take your profit before you pay your expenses. Instead of basing your business strategy on what you expect to be able to afford in the future, consider what you can afford to do now.
224 pages
Available in Hardcover, Digital, Audio

Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business
By Gino Wickman
Recommended By Jimmy D. Robertson
Electrical Solutions of Oklahoma, Inc. Guild member
A useful strategy for realizing your dream of business success is the Entrepreneurial Operating System. Over 2,000 businesses have realized the potential of EOS. You’ll discover the techniques for fortifying your company’s six essential elements. You’ll learn how to manage your business in a straightforward yet effective approach, which will increase growth, enjoyment, and focus for you and your leadership team. You can use Traction to manage your business profitably and without frustration, just like successful firms do.
246 pages
Available in, Paper, Digital, Audio

Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy
By Patrick Bet-David
Recommended By Neal Hettinger
HDG Guild member
Grandmasters at chess and prosperous business people alike possess the ability to see the pieces in front of them and predict their next five movements. Helps entrepreneurs understand exactly what they need to do next in this book by converting this ability into a useful methodology. Provides the solutions, whether you feel like you’ve reached a brick wall, lost your passion, or need creative ideas to grow your company.
275 pages
Available in, Paper, Digital, Audio

The 100 Best Business Books of All Time
By Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten
Recommended By Jack Werner
A to Z Inspections Guild member
Having studied, reviewed, and sold business books for many years, Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten are two of the industry’s most reputable authorities. Now, they have selected and examined the top 100 business books ever written—the ones that will benefit today’s busy readers the most. This book provides readers with an overview of all the best business books in a context-driven format, enabling them to locate solutions to their problems fast.
368 pages
Available in Paperback, Digital

Agile Project Management: 3 books in 1 : Beginner's step by step guide
By Andy Vickler
Recommended By Neal Hettinger,
HDG Guild member
You can implement the Scrum approach in your organization by following the step-by-step instructions provided in this book. You should read this book to gain an understanding of Scrum if you are a manager who must implement Scrum within the company and gradually replace it with the conventional Waterfall method. You will learn why Scrum works better than the conventional Waterfall method and what results you can expect from a successful implementation. Gaining knowledge of the Agile and Lean project management methodologies is essential if you want to increase the productivity of your team.
366 pages
Available in, Paper, Digital, Audio

The Ultimate Sales Machine
By Chet Holmes and updated by Amanda Holmes
Recommended By Mike Soto
Soto Flooring Guild member
All you have to do is concentrate on twelve essential areas for growth and repeatedly, pigheadedly, practice them. assists contractors in turning their enterprise into a profitable, high-performing machine. Get more mileage out of your marketing for less money, improve every sales encounter by focusing on sales rather than just in sales, and train your team to work smarter, not harder, with the help of useful tools, real-world examples, and tried-and-true tactics. This easy-to-read business book elaborates on these tried-and-true ideas, including checklists for quicker returns on investment and Core Story Frameworks for dominating your industry.
336 pages
Available in Hardcover, Digital, Audio

Profit First for Contractors
By Shawn Van Dyke
Recommended By Jeff Garis
Five Star Painting Guild member
The fundamental ideas of Mike Michalowicz’s Profit First have been adapted by the author to meet the unique requirements of the construction sector. He employs first-hand accounts from proprietors of construction companies. explains how to use them to calculate the markup and margin that result in earnings, how to implement efficient cash management with simplified accounting, and how to escape the never-ending cycle of urgent duties.
224 pages
Available in Paperback, Digital, Audio

The Basics of Kanban: A Popular Lean Framework
By Aditi Agarwal
Recommended By Neal Hettinger,
HDG Guild member
Kanban is a well-liked lean framework and workflow visualization technique for efficiently and effectively managing any kind of professional job. A lot of actors experience overload when they have too many things requiring their attention. They are bouncing between tasks and finding it difficult to concentrate on one for long enough to get anything done. If they could see an overview of their company, they would be more productive than they are now. Contractors can assign tasks and identify issues before the client calls with inquiries if they use a Kanban diagram. A team can observe and follow each member’s tasks and responsibilities with the help of kanban boards.
142 pages
Available in, Paper, Digital, Audio